Blessing of the Animals
Saint Philip’s annual Blessing of the Animals in honor of Saint Francis is just around the corner. Mark your calendars and join us at 2:30pm Sunday, October 10, to celebrate the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi by sharing in his love for all of God’s creation and all those in need.
The Blessing liturgy will be in the Church this year. Yes, in the church! Your animal friends and family members are all welcome to join you and receive a blessing.
As in previous years, we’ll also continue our practice of supporting the Pawsitive Friends Pet Food Bank organized by the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation. We will host a pet food drive for our HIV+ siblings who, in times of need or stress, are more likely to jeopardize their health and go hungry themselves than see their animals not eat.
So bring your favorite animal friends and some pet food. Join us as we celebrate the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi by living more fully into our call to care for creation.