From the Rector
Dear Friends in Christ,
In a “normal” year we’d be ramping up our programming, returning to our full Sunday schedule, and more right now. We have much on the horizon planned that involves a blend of online and in-person options but we are at a bit of a sticking point in planning.
Quite simply, we don’t know when folks will come back! Many churches are in the same place. I talked to a friend who is the rector of a large parish that normally has 700-800 people on a Sunday and they are averaging around 80 people right now on Sunday mornings.
In 2019 our average Sunday attendance was 496. Of course, in 2020, the pandemic skewed any data churches collected as so much of congregational life moved online. For reference, our attendance from 2016-2019 ranged from 494 to 520 each Sunday depending on the year, so we have a pretty consistent sense of what we should expect from year to year.
Currently, we are hovering between 120-140 each Sunday in person with another 150 or so online. As we lay out the program year and think about when and how various activities will resume it is important that we get a sense as to what you’re looking for in this time—how can we keep connected in this time when people are in-person, online, around the country, and more?
We’ve attached a survey below which is short and designed to give us some broad data with which we can think about how to structure and plan. We are eager for a return to “normal” and even as we all hope for that we are still faced with this almost-but-not-quite phase we’re in now.
I want to thank you for the many faithful ways you’ve all stay connected, pastored, served, prayed, given, and more to hold the community together through this pandemic. When we reach the other side I’m convinced we will do so having found a new resiliency and a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Until then, let’s keep being the Church together in this strange time!
Yours in Christ,
Fr Robert