Laundry Love support
Laundry Love is an outreach ministry of Saint Philip’s that partners with Interfaith Community Services (ICS) and Northgate Laundromat. Volunteers assemble individual packages that contain a sheet with details (instructions, directions, times, etc.), 3 detergent pods, 3 dryer sheets, and 3 prepaid “gift cards” worth $4.00 each. The packages are distributed by ICS every week on Wednesdays from 10:00am-12:00pm, and the gift cards are redeemable for one regular wash and one regular dryer load at Northgate Laundromat.
Thanks are once again due to the members of Northwest Community Friends Church. They made another generous donation to Saint Philip’s Laundry Love ministry which is administered through Interfaith Community Services (ICS). Saint Philip’s and Northwest Community Friends are both members of ICS.
Friends Church parishioner, Siew Lilley, coordinates the parish’s donations and packages. Last week Siew delivered 15 packages and an additional $180.00. The partnership of Northwest Friends Community Church and its significant donations in 2022 have enabled Laundry Love to increase the impact and success of this vital mission to help those in financial need.
Do you have loose coins (US currency only) that you’d like to put to good use but don’t want to count? Laundry Love volunteers will be delighted to count, roll, and donate them to this ministry. Email parishioner Marilyn Lindell at and she’ll be happy to take them off your hands.
Of course, checks can be made payable to “Saint Philip’s Church” with “Laundry Love” written in the memo line. Online donations can be made through Saint Philip’s secure website when you select “Laundry Love” from the drop-down menu.
Thank you!