Civic academies
Learn about two upcoming votes in the Arizona legislature by attending a civic academy hosted via Zoom by Pima County Interfaith.
The first vote regards the school expenditure cap override. Lawmakers have until March 1, 2022 to vote on whether to lift the spending limit. If it’s not lifted then the state Constitution requires that districts cut their budgets 16% by April 1.
The second vote is whether or not to repeal and replace the flat tax bill (SB 1828). As reported by the Arizona Capitol Times, “Arizona Republican lawmakers who pushed through a nearly $2 billion income tax cut in the last session are looking to repeal it and replace it with a new version, a move that would end a voter referendum that has stopped the tax cut law from taking effect.”
You can still register for one of two presentations:
Want more information? Contact Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss at or parishioner Jane Prescott-Smith at