Book group
Dcn Anne Strong is convening a book group to facilitate conversation and understanding about those with disabilities, and to explore how Saint Philip’s might expand how it includes everyone.
The group will meet at 10:30am on Wednesdays from February 9-April 20. At least initially, all meetings will be held exclusively via Zoom. Click here to register.
The group will discuss “Redefining Perfect—The Interplay between Theology and Disability” by Amy E. Jacober. It is available in hardcover, paperback, and on Kindle devices.
Amazon offers this summary: “The focus of the book is to move the church beyond welcome to inclusion—where those with disabilities move from a guest of the community to equal and valued member of the community. While the book is about the theological inclusion of those with disabilities, its implications reach far beyond. It sets an approach for all people to find a place where they, too, may live in the fullness of Christian community. Stories of personal encounters are blended with explanations of doctrinal perspectives giving the reader a chance to connect knowledge with wisdom born from real life experience.”
Questions? Contact Dcn Anne at