First Sunday Drive
Please remember those who experience food insecurity when you come to church this Sunday, October 1.
You can leave your donations on the long bench next to the church’s most-southern side entrance.
The Food Pantry needs the following items especially:
* small plastic jars of peanut butter
* dried milk in packets
* cereal
* canned chicken or tuna
* canned and fresh fruit
* canned soup
* toiletry items—especially body wash
Checks are also welcome donations. Make your donation payable to Saint Philip’s in the Hills Church and write “food panty” in the memo section.
And remember—First Sundays aren't the only days you can contribute. The food pantry operates out of the church office 9:00am-12:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday, and the volunteers will be happy to accept your donations then, too.
If you have questions, please email parishioner Nancy Atherton at
Thank you for supporting this important ministry!