Please pledge
EDITOR’S NOTE: Bonnie Winn, Stewardship Chair, invites everyone to send in their pledge by Wednesday, November 30.
We are grateful to all of you who have already pledged for 2023. But there are many of you who are still thinking about it—or have forgotten because of the busyness of life.
Why does timing matter? The Vestry meets in December to approve a budget for the upcoming year. But unless the Finance Committee knows what income to expect (from pledges), it can’t make plans and recommend a budget to the Vestry.
As always, pledgers’ names will be printed in the Bell & Tower on Friday, December 2, and in the bulletin on Sunday, December 4 (except for those donors who request to remain anonymous). This is done to thank everyone for their support and acknowledge their generosity.
There are two ways to pledge. You can click on the button below and visit Saint Philip’s secure website.
Or you can fill out the form you received in the mail. If you didn’t receive the form, you can download it by clicking here or get one from the church office.
You can return the form via snail mail, drop it in the collection plate on Sunday, or leave it on the front desk in the office. And, if you drive by the church office when it’s closed, you can slip your envelope through the slot on the office door.
With thanks for your generosity,
—Bonnie Winn, Stewardship Chair