The prophet Hosea
The Tuesday morning Bible Study is open to men and women. It meets at 10:00am every Tuesday for 60 minutes via Zoom. You can find the link here or on Saint Philip’s online calendar.
On Tuesday, November 15, the group will begin reading the book of the prophet Hosea. Recommended secondary reading will be Abraham Joshua Heschel's book, The Prophets (available in paperback on Amazon).
Dcn Susan will also provide an excerpt from Ellen F Davis's book, Opening Israel's Scriptures. (The entire book is available in paperback or Kindle format on Amazon). Davis says about Hosea: "His words are more transparent to the love and anguish of God than those of any other canonical prophet; generations later, Jeremiah would follow him in that mode. Hosea also stands out among the early prophets for the vivid metaphors that appear in virtually all his sayings. He seems to be the first to use the language of sexuality and marriage to characterize the covenant between God and Israel, surely one of the most resonant metaphors in the Bible ... ."
All are welcome to explore this fascinating, poetic book.
If you have questions, email Dcn Susan at