A child's perspective
On Sunday, October 23, Mtr Taylor led Saint Philip’s 3-6 year olds on a tour of the church. The children were engaged and curious. They had comments and questions!
At the columbarium (where ashes of the deceased are interred)
“My grandpa had a funeral, too.”
At the tabernacle (where the reserve consecrated bread and wine are stored)
“Can we have a wafer now?”
In the vesting room (where priests, deacons, and sub-deacons change into their formal vestments)
“Why are there black robes? Can I try one on?”
Formation for children ages 3-6 is offered 10:15-11:15am on Sundays. These children are in what’s called, “Atrium Level I.”
“Atrium” refers to the entryway to a church or building, and the word is used as shorthand for the rooms where Catechesis of the Good Shepherd formation takes place. Saint Philip’s enjoys its layered meaning—the Atrium is where learning takes place, as well as where children are welcomed and shown hospitality.
Many thanks are due to the children’s formation leaders: Erika*, Savannah*, and Cathy. They shepherd the children every week and assist in their exploration of Jesus, prayer, and how to be in community with each other and adults.
The children learn about items such as the chalice and paten, different movements (such as genuflection and making the sign of the cross), and church seasons (Advent and Lent, for example).
*The “In Conversation…” series has highlighted Erika and Savannah. (See related story to read Erika’s interview. Click here to read about Savannah.)