Vestry update
The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.
Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Below are highlights from the meeting (prepared by Barbara Cone) that took place on Wednesday, October 19.
Present: Michael Anderson, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, David Hass, Erika Johnson, Roger Rainbolt, Tamzin Sugiyama, Bonnie Winn, Fr Robert Hendrickson, and Mtr Mary Trainor
Absent: Meghan Hodge, Meredith Mullins, and Liz Wood
There is a budget deficit anticipated for the end of the 4th quarter, but there is steady progress in diminishing the size of the deficit. There have been some unexpected expenses this year pertaining to utilities and other operational expenses. Some of these expenses will be re-couped by payments from the Preservation & Endowment Fund (for the Sanctuary AV update) and other designated endowment funds (The Kautz Family Music Ministry Fund and The Dexter Family Fund).
The Stewardship Campaign is in full swing, and pledges and regular giving are higher than where they were at this time last year.
A Mission, Vision and Values document was developed by a working group and has undergone extensive discussion by the Vestry. This document will undergo final edits in the next few weeks and then be submitted for approval at the November Vestry meeting. It will be published following Vestry approval. The document will be used as a guide for all parish programs and particularly for Strategic Planning.
Events held in October, including the Choral Evensong in honor of Queen Elizabeth II, the Animal Blessing, Animal Faire, and the Ministry Fair, were successful with good attendance. These events demonstrated that Saint Philip’s has good momentum for its parish programs and indicates that the church is recovering from COVID’s disruptions. 23 people will be confirmed in January; this represents positive growth. There are 37 households involved in the Family Formation program led by Mtr Taylor.
The Vestry was asked to consider a proposal to modify the Sunday worship schedule. The Vestry discussed the pros and cons of this proposal, and requested more information—particularly with respect to the budget implications. Discussion of this proposal will continue at the November 16, 2022 Vestry meeting.
Mtr Mary reported that the Sheriff’s department will do an inspection/inventory of Saint Philip’s campus on Friday, October 21, for purposes of determining security needs and providing information for emergency responders.