Vestry update
The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.
Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Below are highlights from the meeting that took place on Wednesday, March 15.
Present: Michael Anderson, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, Erika Johnson, Bill Kuhlman, Meredith Mullins, Mo Owen, Roger Rainbolt, Tamzin Sugiyama, Kristin Tovar, Bonnie Winn, Liz Wood, Fr Robert Hendrickson, and Mtr Mary Trainor
Guests: Dcn Susan Erickson and Myron Molzen
John Bremond opened the meeting with a prayer.
New Vestry members Bill Kuhlman, Mo Owen, and Kristin Tovar were welcomed.
The Music Commission highlighted concerts on Saturday, March 25, to inaugurate and dedicate the new Steinway piano, and the choral concert of the music composed for Saint Philip’s by Eric Esenvalds on Sunday, May 7.
The Outreach Commission reported that an inventory of the outreach ministries and their leaders was completed. It identified a need to make parishioners more aware of these ministries and encourage their participation, as well as cultivate new leaders.
John Bremond offered the Senior Warden’s report. He shared that Milo Meacham, an architect with historic preservation experience, was hired to oversee the reserve study. Milo will work closely with Facilities Manager Myron Molzen to provide guidance on work funded by Preservation and Endowment.
Fr Robert provided the Rector’s report. Carol Jones has retired as the parish nurse, and a search for a replacement will take place. The Health Cabinet will be in responsible for this, and determine the scope of the position and what is sustainable for the future.
Four of 52 action items of the Strategic plan have been completed and 60% of the action items are already underway. The strategic plan actions items will be integrated with the commission planning meetings and other groups to be held in May.
The Campus Master Plan was presented at a Sunday Forum at the end of February and received many positive comments. Another meeting with the (anonymous) donor needs to be scheduled to determine the next steps to undertaking the campus renewal project.
In the Stewardship report, Bonnie Winn reported that the Easter Offering mailing was sent on March 15. The offering will be directed towards youth formation, specifically the 2024 residency and pilgrimage.
Herb Burton reported in the Treasurer’s report that the 28-year-old heat exchange unit has failed and needs to be replaced. A request for $21,134.00 has been sent to Preservation and Endowment to fund this expense. Current expenses are high (and include a “catch-up” on the Diocesan Assessment), but income has increased, too.
John gave a closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.