From the Rector
Dear Friends in Christ,
At this Sunday’s forum we will welcome The Rev’d Michael Coren, author of more than 18 books, an engaging television and radio personality, columnist and speaker. I look forward to moderating the conversation and hope to see you there.
The forum will be held in Murphey Gallery East and Michael will join via Zoom. If you would like to participate in the forum off-site, then click here for the Zoom link and use passcode: 420828.
Below is a portion of a review of Coren’s book, Epiphany: A Christian's Change of Heart & Mind over Same-Sex Marriage, that offers a glimpse into one person’s profound change.
Yours in Christ,
—Fr Robert
"Michael Coren’s Epiphany is a wonderfully revealing read—an epiphany in itself. The 'shout line' as we say in show business is right wing Catholic apologist does 180º switch over same-sex marriage and finds himself despised and excoriated by his coreligionists. It would be tempting for a degenerate atheist like me gloatingly welcome this lost sheep that now is found and to crow about scales falling from eyes. But the honesty of Coren’s soul-searching journey is much more subtle and graduated than that. He emerges as perhaps more faithful and devout a Christian at the book's close than he was when first we meet him, a convinced, dogmatic believer in all tenets of the Church—most especially and headline-grabbingly—its rulings on gay life and love.”
“The most memorable parts of the book show the quite shocking and vituperative response to Coren's volte face. In all my years of writing or talking about religion and churches from time to time, I have never received a tithe of the hate-filled vilification that fell on him the moment he made known his change of mind. It is entirely to his credit that Coren was not swerved from his course or moved to give back in frothing, vengeful kind.”
—Stephen Fry