A new book
Saint Philip’s Women’s Bible Study group meets at 6:30pm every Wednesday for 60-90 minutes. Participants discuss readings based on a theme, and the conversations are often assisted by a helpful book.
The group is now reading God Remembered Rachel: Women's Stories in the Old Testament and Why They Matter by Jenni Williams.
The most recent exploration was Amy-Jill Levine’s book Short Stories from Jesus. Other examples of the group’s focus the past two years include wisdom literature and stories from the Apocrypha (Judith, Esther, Tobias, Daniel, Susanna), parts of Isaiah with John Goldingay’s book Isaiah for Everyone, and the Gospel of John in Sarah Ruden’s new translation.
Meetings are currently held via Zoom. Interested? Curious? All are welcome! Contact parishioner Camille Salisbury at cbsalisbury@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.