Live-stream change
The unique work that will be highlighted this Sunday, February 6, as part of Saint Philip’s First Sunday Music sequence (John Tavener’s Eternity’s Sunrise*) has a copyright restriction. This means that the church is limited in where it may showcase this performance.
Instead of live-streaming the 9:00am service to the usual three platforms (Facebook, YouTube, and Saint Philip’s website), the service will be accessible only on the parish website or via this link:
AND… because the publisher did not contact Saint Philip’s before Bell & Tower’s publication today, there is no guarantee that the church will be permitted to live-stream Eternity’s Sunrise. If permission is denied, then only those people in-person at 9:00am will be able to enjoy this unique musical work.
Even if the church receives permission to live-stream the musical work, it will not be included in the recording that is posted to the three usual platforms following the service.
We hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to hear Eternity’s Sunrise and attend the 9:00am worship service in-person.
*Read more about Eternity’s Sunrise in the music article below with the same title.