COVID-19 update
Having considered recommendations from the Health Cabinet and Regathering Committee, Saint Philip’s Vestry has voted for a policy which relaxes COVID-19 protocols in stages. Variants and local conditions will continue to be monitored so adjustments can be made as circumstances require.
On Sunday, April 3, Saint Philip’s will implement new COVID-19 protocols:
At the 7:45am and 11:15am services, masks will be optional
Masks will continue to be required at the 9:00am service
Coffee hour will be held in the outside courtyard with sweet treats
For all Sunday services:
there will be no need to sign-in
there will be no limit on the number of worshipers
the transepts will serve as areas that allow for greater social distancing than in the nave
the collection plate will be passed
Communion protocols will remain the same (wine by intinction only)
In the Bell & Tower this Friday, March 25, Fr Robert will provide a review of the Vestry’s decision and plans for the summer.