A community offering
NightSong: A Compline Experience is a ministry created by Saint Philip’s as a way to share the beauty of the Anglo-Catholic tradition, liturgy, and music with the wider Tucson community. It is a unique form of outreach and evangelism.
NightSong will take place at the MSA Annex twice this fall: Friday, September 23, and Friday, October 21.
NightSong will also join in the Procession of Little Angels at Armory Park on Saturday, November 5.
The mission of the Procession of Little Angels is to help youth have an understanding and open relationship with the concept of death—an invaluable mission which Saint Philip’s has hoped to become involved with for some time. This annual event is part of the Tucson All Souls Procession, and Saint Philip’s and NightSong will participate for the first time.
NightSong is a collaborative effort that includes Flam Chen and Many Mouths One Stomach (organizers of the annual All Souls Procession and Dia de San Juan), merchant Why I Love Where I Live, Episcopal Campus Ministries, Beloved in the Desert, and Saint Philip’s staff—Dr Justin Appel and Christopher Campbell.
Kristin and Alex Tovar of the Tucson shop Why I Love Where I Live provide wonderful merchandise for people to purchase as one way to help support the continuation of NightSong. The t-shirts and stickers are available through Chris.
If you would like to volunteer with this unique ministry, contact Chris Campbell at christopher.campbell@stphilipstucson.org. If you would like to contribute financially to the continuation and growth of this new community, visit nightsongtucson.org/donate or Saint Philip’s secure website and choose Compline NightSong from the drop-down menu.