Every life matters
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
As a Christian, I believe that God considers every human life precious. Every one of us is made in God’s image and is the beloved child of God. I follow most centrally Jesus’ commandments to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul, and to love my neighbor as myself.
There are a host of bills currently in the Arizona legislature that are currently targeting the precious and sacred lives of the most vulnerable of the vulnerable, trans, and non-binary youth. More than half of trans and non-binary youth seriously considered attempting suicide last year, and 20% of trans and non-binary youth made an actual suicide attempt. Their lives are among the most at-risk in
the state of Arizona.
I am a Christian who supports the rights of trans, non-binary, and LGBTQ+ people, not despite my faith in Jesus, but because of it. God loves trans and non-binary people. God loves them as they are—and as they seek to grow, change, and become their true selves. They are—as are all human beings—made in the image of God. Who am I to hate what God loves?
We know what helps trans and non-binary young people: honoring preferred pronouns, receiving developmentally appropriate gender-affirming medical care, and creating safe spaces to live in their new gender identity. These actions can cut the risk of suicide by 50% according to the Trevor Project’s most recent survey on LGBTQ+ youth mental health. Even having just one adult in a young trans child’s life who is supportive of their gender identity can make a difference in saving their life.
The purpose of these bills is to criminalize the very actions that save the lives of trans and non-binary youth. Which makes me wonder: what do these bills hope to achieve if their effect will be the death of more trans and non-binary young people?
Supporting trans and non-binary lives comes at no cost to the state or to our legislators. It comes at no cost to cisgendered students and teachers. Supporting trans and non-binary lives is consistent with the conservative principles of self-determination and freedom that many Christians endorse.
If you don’t understand or agree with what it might be to experience gender dysphoria—the experience of feeling like the body you have doesn’t match the gender that God has blessed you with—I encourage you to learn more about trans lives and experiences. But you don’t have to agree with or understand trans lives to know that every human life is beloved and valuable.
I encourage members of our congregations to contact their legislators to withdraw and defeat these bills. They dishonor the sacredness of life, the beloved image of God, and are inconsistent with our faith and our Baptismal Covenant.
Resources for LGBTQ+ issues: