Affiliated clergy
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third of three articles about clergy who are active at Saint Philip’s. This week, the Rev’d Dr Paula Barker Datsko introduces Saint Philip’s affiliated clergy.
What are Affiliated Clergy? This question often arises when people see their names listed at the end of Sunday bulletins. The short answer would explain that they are ordained priests, mostly retired, who are licensed by the Bishop to exercise ministry in the diocese while being formally “affiliated” with a particular parish. They help, without pay, where needed in a parish.
Saint Philip’s affiliated clergy are most visible when assisting with communion or occasionally preaching on Sunday mornings. They also preside at the Eucharist and preach for other services, such the Recovery Eucharists at 5:30pm or Come and See at 4:00pm (both on Sundays), and the Healing Eucharists at 12:15pm on Tuesdays.
However, affiliated clergy’s contributions to the parish extend beyond worship. Mtr Joanna Satorius led a Mutual Ministry Review for the Rector and Vestry last fall.
Fr Michael Anderson helped with the parish’s long term planning process and now serves on the Vestry.
I coordinated the Sacred Ground anti-racism course of study and share leadership with Mtr Mary Trainor for Meet God at the Movies.
Fr Henry Hoffman co-leads the weekly anti-racism reading group.
These are just some recent examples of the contributions a few members of the group have made; the full list of the work Saint Philip’s twelve affiliated clergy do would be very long!
Affiliated clergy also serve in the diocese and the wider Tucson community, helping to connect Saint Philip’s with the church’s work beyond the parish’s walls.
For example, Fr Henry serves on the diocesan Border Ministries Council which advises the Bishop and parishes on issues and ministry opportunities.
Fr Michael is chaplain to the Foothills Forum and serves on several Tucson non-profit Boards.
I serve as a spiritual director, while also providing instruction in Anglican studies to people in the diocese who are approved by the Bishop to follow alternate paths towards priestly ordination.
Mtr Joanna is a consultant to several dioceses.
Besides ministering to the spiritual needs of people associated with his swimming academy, Fr Geoffrey Glaser presides and preaches regularly at St Michael’s in Coolidge while the parish searches for a priest.
Several of Saint Philip’s affiliated clergy have served similarly in other parishes during interims.
To maintain connection with each other and stay informed about developments in the parish, the affiliated clergy meet with staff clergy and deacons each month as a College of Clergy. (Click here to read that related story.) It is a blessing to each of them that their skills, knowledge, and experience can be used to enhance the ministry of Saint Philip’s.
Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to see photos of Saint Philip’s affiliated clergy.