Many to celebrate
Following the glowing success of last Sunday’s concert of choral works by Arvo Pärt, and at the conclusion of Saint Philip’s program year, it is appropriate to recognize the great outpouring of love and effort that was manifested in the parish’s choir program over the last year.
Saint Philip’s Adult Choristers have been through quite a lot during the previous two years. In April of 2020, all normal choral activity was suspended. It was the beginning of 12 months of virtual rehearsal and recording purgatory. We met weekly via Zoom and—using microphones and recording aids—the choristers made vocal tracks that were later mixed into virtual choral anthems. This was a labor-intensive process, but it kept the core of our choir together and provided music for online services.
In April of 2021, the choirs started to have live rehearsal out-of-doors, which eventually merged into the pandemic live-singing protocols. These have involved singing with masks, increasing space between people, moving regularly to different venues to reduce aerosol exposure, and reducing rehearsal time.
Despite these hurdles, Saint Philip’s choirs sang multiple First Sundays in addition to the normal monthly schedule, mounting impressive Christmas and Easter celebrations. Since February, the choirs have been steadily working on the Arvo Pärt material when time allowed, and on Sunday they performed a stunning concert for a large audience. It was a promising start to the new “Saint Philip’s Sings” concert series!
Saint Philip’s Adult Singers are the backbone of the parish’s music program. The church is truly blessed to have so many capable, committed, and flexible singers show up every week during the program year.
Saint Philip’s Youth Choristers have also recovered well from pandemic circumstances, progressing in their curriculum, singing services, and preparing for the next UK Residency trip to Wells Cathedral this July. They, too, have worked hard and held up under trying circumstances. Staff and volunteers look forward to taking this group to England for a rewarding week of work and prayer.
The parish has been blessed to have eight capable Lay Clerks this year: Abby Alexander, Larry Alexander, Samantha Christopher, Kellen Holter, Dianne Iauco, Anne Parker, Mary Paul, Dennis Tamblyn. As always, these eight singers provide leadership in everything the choir does, and they allow us to conquer ambitious projects.
Week in and week out Saint Philip’s invaluable music librarians—Anne Parker, Laura Rubbo, and Bonnie Winn—support the logistical elements of running the choirs. They regularly organize scores, oversee library storage and cataloging, and constantly clean out and restock choristers’ cubbies with new music— among many other things! The librarians are an essential part of the choral community. We could not do what we do without them!
Special mention is also due to Allyn Baker who has continued to work with a Youth Bell Choir during this unstable period. She has provided weekly rehearsals and performance opportunities through much of the program year.
Of course, I would be remiss not to acknowledge our marvelous instrumentalists and Homero Cerón, who helps us find talented local musicians every year for services and concerts.
I am also grateful for the generous assistance, talented musicianship, and amiable collaboration of my colleague, Dr. Jeffrey Campbell. What a joy to work in church music and with such people.
There is so much to be grateful for at Saint Philip’s. Thank you for a wonderful year!
—Justin Appel, Director of Music