Bulletin change
With the start of the Season after Pentecost on Sunday, June 12, a single bulletin will be provided for both the 7:45am and 10:00am services. Along with the bulletin, you will find an insert that contains the music and announcements.
The parish has done at least one variation of this before, but here’s what’s new this time: Sunday lectionary readings will appear in the insert as page numbers found in the bibles (that are in the pews). In other words, the full text will not be printed. As part of Saint Philip’s goal to be more environmentally sensitive, it’s hoped that this change will help keep paper use to a minimum.
You are welcome to bring a favorite bible from home if you prefer, and time will be given to find the readings. Or you can sit and listen to the Bible read to you—as many already do.
Through the use of a single bulletin for the long Pentecost season that ends just before Advent, the parish will significantly reduce its use of paper. This effort will need your support. Where possible, please return your bulletin each Sunday before you leave church. Thank you!