Just 15 minutes (or so)
You have heard that “many hands make light work.” It’s true. And Saint Philip’s needs your hands to help keep the parish campus beautiful and inviting—for only 15 minutes (or so) once a month. Seriously. That’s it.
You can choose to help in one or two areas:
First, volunteers are needed to water some of the desert areas. They don’t need a lot of water—hence 15 minutes (or so) once a month—but receiving some attention during the extended dry periods this summer will greatly improve the plants’ survival rate.
Volunteers will be assigned a very small area to give some supplemental irrigation—for 15 minutes (or so) once a month.
Second, volunteers are needed to help keep the parking lot tree islands looking tidy. A great group of volunteers cleaned out many of the tree islands on April 30. As a follow up to that event, Saint Philip’s invites you and your friends to “adopt a tree island” and keep it tidy going forward. This generally involves picking up trash and pulling weeds. Again—only 15 minutes (or so) once a month.
Please contact the chair of Saint Philip’s Buildings & Grounds ministry, Emily Swartz, at ehswartz@hotmail.com if you are able to help with either of these efforts. Thank you!