Name tags
Saint Philip’s is a large community and it can be challenging to learn—and remember—people’s names. We are all familiar with the awkward situation where a face is familiar but the name can’t be recalled.
A new name tag ministry is under way to foster hospitality and fellowship. The church will provide the name tags and lanyards at no cost to everyone who wishes to participate.
Beginning this Sunday, June 12, look for bright pink forms on a table inside the Murphey Gallery (where coffee hour will be). You’re asked to complete the form and do 1 of 2 things:
Drop the completed form in the basket on the table or
Take the form home with you and then email the information requested to Saint Philip’s receptionist, Cheryle Johnson, at
After the name tags have been made, they will be at a table near the usher station and organized in alphabetical order. You’ll be able to pick up your name tag before the worship service and drop it off when you leave the campus. Or you can take it home. (Just be sure to bring it back with you the following Sunday!)