Name tags
Saint Philip’s is a large community and it can be challenging to learn—and remember—people’s names. We are all familiar with the awkward situation where a face is familiar but the name can’t be recalled.
The name tag ministry is one way to foster hospitality and fellowship. In addition to helping remind people of names, it’s also a way to invite conversation. Wearing a name tag lets people know you are open to being approached. That’s particularly helpful for visitors.
The church provides the name tags and lanyards at no cost.
If you would like a name tag, look for a bright pink form on a table inside the Murphey Gallery (where coffee hour is held). Complete the form and drop it in the basket on the table. Your name tag will be ready the following week.
The name tags are organized in alphabetical order at the table in the Murphey Gallery. Pick yours up before the worship service and drop it off when you leave the campus. Or you can take it home and bring it with you when you return.
Thank you!