Thank you
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
On June 30, 2022, a major transition will take place in the Diocese of Arizona: Canon Cathy Black will officially retire.
Cathy has served faithfully since 2004 as the heart, memory, and wisdom of the diocesan office in Arizona, first as Bishop Smith’s Assistant, and eventually as the Canon for Administration. She has been the person people call on, turn to, cry with, laugh with, vent to, and ask for help. She has served the wider church through her leadership with B+E+S+T (Bishops’ Executive Secretaries Together) and she was also incredibly influential in helping me learn how to be a bishop.
In anticipation of this day, we have spent the past two years planning and transitioning, as we bring in and train new staff to assume many of the roles that Cathy has filled for 18 years.
Cathy is not vanishing into the sunset; she is a member of Christ Church of the Ascension and will continue to offer her “Spiritual Gifts” workshops, and work with vestries and bishop’s committees. Information on how to contact Cathy will go out after her retirement.
But for now, if Cathy’s work and ministry have shaped your life and faith, then drop her a line to join us in saying “thank you!”