Celebration weekend
Saint Philip’s really knows how to celebrate. As proof, it is planning two major events for the weekend of October 8 and October 9.
The previously publicized Blessing of the Animals and Creation Faire is ramping up for the Saturday of that weekend. Then on Sunday, a “Welcome Back Party” has been scheduled for the church grounds following services.
Volunteers aplenty will be needed for both events.
For Welcome Back, help will be needed with grilling, setup/take down, and more. Also, if you have any lawn games like croquet and would like to loan them to the church for the day, that would be greatly appreciated. A bounce house and water slide will be provided, and a meal will be shared in the labyrinth area. More will follow about the need for some good potluck fare.
Interested in helping in the Welcome Back event? Contact Chris Campbell at christopher.campbell@stphilipstucson.org.
Interested in being involved with the Blessing of the Animals and Creation Faire? Contact Mtr Mary Trainor, mary.trainor@stphilipstucson.org.