Courses and competition
Every year the Royal School of Church Music America offers summer courses around the country. These programs are led by outstanding choir directors and draw choir members from near and far who gather for a week of singing, joy and fellowship.
This summer will mark the return of in-person courses, and three of Saint Philip’s treble choristers will participate. Cecilia, Julia, and Claire will attend the Gulf Coast Course for Girls in Houston from June 13-June 19. This will be an opportunity for them to work with one of the foremost church musicians in the world: Cn Bruce Neswick from Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon.
Two of Saint Philip’s head choristers, Cecilia and Julia, will sit for their bronze medallion exam. This is the first of three awards given to those choristers who consistently work hard to achieve high standards in singing, sight-singing, general knowledge of the church, and the events and music associated with a chosen liturgical season. (Cecilia and Julia both chose Easter as the liturgical season on which to be tested.)
Saint Philip’s is very proud of Cecilia and Julia, and all the choristers who have practiced diligently and will work on acquiring the medal requirements this summer.
Another senior chorister, Claire, will also attend the program and lay clerk Abby Alexander (a veteran attendee of the Royal School of Church Music) will be a proctor.
Everyone’s participation is made possible by the generous sponsorship of Saint Philip’s Music Commission. Thank you!
Creator God,
You have made us in your image to reflect your goodness.
You have called us to use our gifts to build your kingdom.
Give us wisdom and help us to use our skills to your glory
and for the building up of the people we serve.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
The Choristers Prayer:
Bless, O Lord, us thy servants,
who minister in thy temple.
Grant that what we sing with our lips,
we may believe in our hearts,
and what we believe in our hearts,
we may show forth in our lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.