Back from Wells
This past weekend, the choir returned from its sojourning in the United Kingdom. I am happy to report that the choir’s choral residency at Wells Cathedral was a tremendous success. We enjoyed unseasonably warm weather as the country experienced a heat wave with record breaking temperatures. Thankfully, it took a while for the cathedral to warm up, and the quire stalls were still much cooler than other places—such as our practice rooms!
Despite the heat, we enjoyed our time at the cathedral, including the hospitality of the clergy and vergers; they made the medieval building our home for the week. All of the choristers rolled up their sleeves and put in a heroic effort with rehearsals and services. The week was grueling for everybody. Dealing with jet lag, poor sleep, daily rehearsing, and a daily high-stakes performance was exhausting. However, the musical/liturgical experience was truly exhilarating for all and well worth the effort.
I’m also pleased to report that this group of choristers, travelers, and chaperones got along very well, avoiding drama or interpersonal tension, and everyone was eager to be of service as need arose. Our five chaperones—who were also choristers—took good care of the youth choristers and had a great rapport with the choir.
As the director, I can tell you that the choir represented Saint Philip’s choral tradition most admirably, and the clergy at Wells Cathedral made a point of inviting the choir to return in the future.
We loved Wells. It’s a lovely, quaint, and pastorale village off the main rail lines, and the cathedral exudes an intimate quality wholly unique. We feel blessed to have had the chance to sing in this very special place.
Keep your eyes open for future announcements about a photo montage we hope to present to the parish at a Sunday forum in August. We look forward to sharing this thrilling experience with the parish.
—Justin Appel, Director of Music