Lambeth debrief
By The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
The Rt Rev’d Jennifer Reddall, Bishop of Arizona, cordially invites all to attend a Lambeth Debrief Webinar on Tuesday, August 16, or Thursday, August 18. In this webinar, Bishop Reddall will discuss her experience and knowledge gained while attending the 15th Lambeth Conference held in Kent, England, from July 26 to August 8.
Convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2022, the Lambeth Conference is an international meeting of Anglican bishops. The conference discusses church and world affairs and the global mission of the Anglican Communion for the decade ahead. Meeting around every ten years since 1867, the Lambeth Conference is one of the four Instruments of Unity in the Anglican Communion.
There will be two sessions with a presentation by Bishop Reddall, followed by a Q&A. Registration for this event is required and the Zoom link will be provided to those participating the day before the event. You can register for one or both days.
Session #1 - Tuesday, August 16, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Session #2 - Thursday, August 18, 10:00am-11:30am