Sunday forum
Please plan to attend the forum 11:15am this Sunday, August 14, in the Murphey Gallery. The topic will be Saint Philip’s choirs’ recent UK Residency trip to Wells Cathedral.
Members of the choir and traveling group will talk briefly about their experiences and how the residency program has affected their lives. We also plan to show a slideshow of photos from the week, including an audio recording taken from one of the services at Wells Cathedral.
Do you have an interest in joining a choir at Saint Philip’s? Do you have a child who enjoys singing? Are you curious about the music program, or do you want to understand how one of Saint Philip’s most significant music choral projects works?
If you answered “yes,” then this forum is a “must attend event!” Please drop by and feel free to ask questions. Dr Campbell, Fr Robert, and I will be pleased to tell you about our experiences, and help you explore the possibility of joining a choir or having your child join the Saint Nicholas Choir.
We hope to plan the next UK Residency program in the summer of 2024.
This residency program and membership in the Saint Nicholas Choir represent significant musical opportunities for your child that can be pursued without cost.
—Justin Appel, Director of Music