September 12 deadline
Saint Philip's is a long-time faith community partner of the Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN), a local non-profit that brings together religious, secular, corporate, and non-profit organizations to create an inclusive support network for people living with HIV.
One of TIHAN’s ministries is a monthly lunch for people in the wider community who live with HIV/AIDS. This event is known as Poz Café. In 2021 Poz Café prepared and served over 26,000 meals.
The lunches are followed by time for informal fellowship, conversation, bingo and raffles for fun and useful gifts, as well as the distribution of care packages filled with toiletries and other necessities.
This year’s Poz Café is a little different. Instead of a sit-down meal, people pick up boxed meals and care packages drive-through style.
Saint Philip's will participate in Poz Cafe on Thursday, September 15. Parishioners are asked to donate items for 115 care packages that will include:
460 rolls of toilet tissue
115 rolls of paper towels
5-7 bingo prizes (e.g., gift cards to grocery stores valued $10 to $15)
All the items listed above can be purchased online and delivered directly to Saint Philip’s. (For deliveries, please provide the church’s street address: 4440 N. Campbell Avenue Tucson, AZ 85718—NOT the PO Box. Remember, too, that the office is closed on Fridays.) Another option is to purchase the items and bring them to church on Sunday morning or to the food pantry 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
A few volunteers are needed to help assemble care packages and distribute food boxes on Wednesday, September 14, and Thursday, September 15. Volunteers must be vaccinated and boosted. If you would like to help in this way, please contact Fr Peter Helman at
Donations will be received until Monday, September 12. Thank you in advance for your generous and loving support!