Bishop's visit
The sacramental rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Faith mark a formal, public affirmation of one’s faith and desire to walk the Way of Jesus with others in the Episcopal Church and as members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. These rites are a celebration of one's baptism and are celebrated by the prayers and laying on of hands by a Bishop.
Were you baptized in the Episcopal Church as a child but never confirmed and now desire to live out your faith in the Episcopal Church? The rite of Confirmation is for you.
Were you baptized and confirmed in a Christian denomination other than the Episcopal Church (for instance, as a Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or Roman Catholic) and now wish formally to join the Episcopal Church? The rite of Reception is for you.
Were you baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church but in a parish other than Saint Philip's? The rite of Reaffirmation of Faith is for you.
The Bishop of Arizona, Jennifer A. Reddall, will visit Saint Philip's on Sunday, January 29, 2023. In preparation for her visit, Saint Philip’s is offering a series of informal classes each Wednesday evening as a part of Mosaic Community Night. The classes will explore, among other things, the essentials of Christian faith and discipleship, an overview of the history of Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church, the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist, and the mission and ministry of Saint Philip’s.
All are welcome, whether you are considering Confirmation, Reception, or want to explore, deepen, and reaffirm your faith.
If you're interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar at