Anti-racism training
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
Over the last two years, our Anti-Racism Committee has created and implemented a curriculum that provides an understanding, self-examination, and spiritual awakening into issues of racism. Part of that training is a series of videos that are also available as a supplement to Sacred Ground training.
We now have four diocesan videos available on YouTube. They are conversations between me and the Rev’d Canon Anita Braden, the Rev’d Canon Debbie Royals, the Rev’d Canon John Kitagawa, and the Rev’d Canon David Chavez, each focusing on personal and local aspects of racial discrimination, racial justice, and racial reconciliation. Each of those diocesan leaders has offered up a gift of vulnerability, insight, theological reflection, and local context. I cannot thank them enough for their commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Way of Love in sharing their stories.
Lay and Clergy leaders of the diocese who have taken Sacred Ground can now complete their required Anti-Racism training by watching these four videos. To view the Anti-Racism Training Video Playlist, click here.
Clergy and lay leaders who have not yet taken Sacred Ground are still required to complete the Anti-Racism training or begin Sacred Ground, followed by watching the four local videos. You can register for the next Anti-Racism cohorts here.
I am so grateful to our Anti-Racism facilitators, the co-chairs, the Rev’d Monica Whitaker and Sara Dechter, our Diocesan Events Coordinator, Toni Murdock, and our Director of Communications, Laurel Way. Working together, they are helping us create a safe environment that moves us closer to becoming a Beloved Community here in Arizona.