A beloved community
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
The 62nd Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona is only nine days away.
Our theme is Reconciled in Christ: Becoming Beloved Community. It is in Jesus that we are reconciled to one another and to God. It is in Jesus that we forgive and are forgiven; that we speak the truth and hear the truth; that we heal and are healed. It is in Jesus that we love and are loved.
I am so looking forward to being with representatives of all of our congregations, our clergy, and our honored guests as we gather as a single beloved community. May this time be a holy time, full of love and laughter, but also insight, honesty, and tears.
Preemptive thanks to all of our volunteers, and all who are participating in the Diocesan Eucharist on Saturday morning. It has been a joy to lift up the gifts of our churches in Tucson.