Election prayers
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The prayer for elections in our Book of Common Prayer focuses on the outcomes of elections: lawmaking, protection of rights, and national direction.
It doesn’t address threats to the electoral process itself or concerns about election-related violence.
This year, to the prayer above, I have been adding my own addendum: “Please, God, let whatever happens next Tuesday be peaceful.”
The attack on Paul Pelosi has added to my anxiety about election-related violence and the disappearance of norms of behavior and common national spirit. But I was already praying my addendum out of concern for electoral workers who have experienced harassment and threats. And I experience life in Arizona during an election cycle as a front-row seat to a test of democratic values in which we may turn back to a world in which the prayer for Elections from the BCP is sufficient, or we may turn into a world where its words and intentions are no longer adequate.
Join me in prayer and action for our nation. If you are eligible to vote—let your voice be heard. Also, let your voice be heard if and when you hear threats or violent language from those around you. We are called as followers of Jesus not to simply demur or ignore violent threats—we are called to lovingly confront them. To call one another to our better angels, if you will.
Do protest peacefully, if you are called to protest. Do make choices that keep you and your loved ones safe, as far as you are able.
And join me in prayer. Pray for candidates and their families; for electoral workers and volunteers; for voters; for our nation and its laws; and for a just peace.