An invocation
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
I was honored to be invited by Representative Oscar de los Santos to give the invocation at the beginning of today’s legislative session of the Arizona House of Representatives. Please join me in praying for our legislators and their staff. Here are the words I prayed:
God, grant your grace to this session of the Arizona House of Representatives.
May those who meet here to do the work of governance have the courage, wisdom, and foresight to provide for the needs of all the people of Arizona. Give everyone in this building a commitment to truth, justice, equality, and freedom.
May they establish laws that please you, and which respect the dignity of every human being. Where our laws are in the right—support them. Where our laws are in error, direct us to change them.
And may this body of legislators be blessed with open ears and hearts; with the capacity for courageous conversations on matters that are weighty; and the ability to see in different opponents, but not enemies.
Finally, we pray for those in need around the world; especially today for those in Syria and Turkey whose homes and families have been devastated by the recent earthquakes. Comfort those who mourn; relieve the pain of those who are injured; and strengthen those who search for survivors.
We ask all this in your holy Name. Amen.