A successful start
Thank you to the many people who made the Children, Youth, and Family Ministries 2022-2023 orientation last Sunday such a success! We welcomed new families, helped make connections with long-time members, and reveled in watching the children lead the way in getting to know each other.
Thank you to former Beloved corps member Claire Miller for leading a service project with children and youth. Her experience at the Community Food Bank last year made her the perfect facilitator.
The group made 85 meals for Primavera Works’ program. Their gusto for the effort was inspiring!
Thank you to Landon, Peggy, and Jordan for feeding 70 people with grace, and to Grant, Jenni, Marcus, and Jeremy who jumped in as cleanup crew.
Thank you to all of the families and children who participated. It’s so good to be together as we begin the program year at Saint Philip’s.
Thank you to the CYFM Program Advisors whose planning made the event successful and who offered hospitality and relationship-building with all ages. Thank you to Becky and Natalie who led the afternoon sessions to support Formation Leaders’ continuing formation and spirituality.
Thank you to the Formation Leaders who offered their time and experience to the discussion, and to those brave new formation leaders and facilitators: Ann, Mo, Cathy, Jenni, Grant, Jeremy, and Marcus.
Thank you to the nursery team whose members are organized, thoughtful, and excited for the new year. It’s so important to be able to offer Nursery consistently, and we’re so grateful for their enthusiasm and responsibility with this important work.
Please keep the children, youth, and the communities that surround them in your prayers this year. If you would like to be involved in the lives of children and youth as a Formation Leader, as an occasional support person as a Safeguarding volunteer, with the occasional service project, meal, or activity, please reach out to Mtr Taylor at Taylor.Devine@StPhilipsTucson.org.
The new CYFM formation year begins on Sunday, September 11. If you meet someone looking for their Sunday School room, please help them find it. There’s often a learning curve at the start of the new program year and gestures of hospitality make a huge difference. Thank you!