A masterpiece in progress
Some of you may have heard of the mosaic tile re-creation of an oil painting that adorns one wall in the Saint Philip’s office area. The 1979 painting by Barbara Falk captures the beauty and splendor of an earlier Blessings of the Animals at Saint Philip’s.
Now, the artists at Santa Theresa Tile Works are creating a new rendering of this painting in tiles. When complete, the 100-pound mosaic piece will be hung on the south wall of the historic animal fountain (read related story). It will be unveiled as part of the Blessing of the Animals activities beginning at 8:30am on Saturday, October 8.
Parishioner Susan Gamble is the liaison for the church with Santa Theresa Tile, which she once owned.
The hope is that two side pieces will be commissioned at a later time. For now, Saint Philip’s is seeking donations of $4,500.00 to complete the larger piece. Some $1,500.00 of the $6,000.00 cost has been given.
If you wish to support this depiction of God’s beautiful creation, you may do so online at this link, and select “Blessing Mosaic” from the drop-down menu. Also, if you would be so kind as to select the option to cover the credit card fee, it will be greatly appreciated. You may also submit a check in care of Mtr Mary Trainor.
The commissioning of this first mosaic piece was done as part of the planning for the full-day Animal Faire on October 8. This event will launch Saint Philip’s program year devoted to creation care.
Most readers of the Bell & Tower should have received an e-mail earlier this week laying out plans for the whole day. This same email and flyer were sent to Tucson media, schools, recreation centers, special friends, all the exhibitors, and more.
Parishioners Peter and Dinny Cosyns have devoted much time and marketing experience to the promotion of the Blessing and Animal Faire. They also are taking a number of laminated copies of the flyer and posting at Tucson area dog parks. If you would like to have a number of flyers to post at your vet’s, groomer, or pet shop, please contact Kiki Cheney for whatever number you feel you can distribute. Her cell number is 520-704-2010 and her email is Kiki.Cheney@StPhilipsTucson.org.
The Cosynses have been part of an event team made up of Kiki Cheney, Mtr Joanna Satorius, and Mtr Mary Trainor, that worked with designer and parishioner Jeanine Colini.