Deacon Ruthie

Editor’s note: As noted by Fr Robert, a church community is created when people gather together for the love of God. At the same time, Saint Philip’s is composed of many people who represent different ages, experiences, world views, etc.

The new “In conversation…” series is one attempt to create connection between the different people in our community. As varied as everyone is, there are also similarities to discover—in interests or experiences. And there is one thing we all share: a desire to know God and be in relationship with him.

This week’s conversation is with Deacon Ruthie, Saint Philip’s formation leader for infants and toddlers. The parish’s Children, Youth, and Family Ministries (CYFM) is vibrant—and growing. There is something for everyone:

Nursery, ages 0-3, in room 6
Sunday School
Ages 3-6 in room 7
Ages 7-9 in room 8
Grades 4-5 in room 9
Jr and Sr Youth Groups for middle and high schoolers in La Parroquia
Parents Formation Group for adults with children at home in the Children’s Courtyard

Mtr Taylor Devine is the contact for CYFM. She can be reached at


What is your favorite part of Christian formation?
The children! I don’t have any children myself so it brings me great joy to see the wonder and awe on these little faces as they explore who Jesus is. They are like sponges and soak up everything we introduce. It’s a real privilege to be with them at this phase of their discovery.

What is your favorite book?
One of my favorite books is To Bless the Space Between Us, by John O’Donahue. It’s full of beautiful reflections and poems for just about any circumstance.

What is a fun fact about you?
I am a former marathon runner. I have finished more than 35 full 26.2 marathons.