Community in action
It took many volunteers who were generous with their time and energy to prepare the church for Christmas Eve services.
The Altar Guild members prepared the linens, filled the candles, polished the silver and the brass, steamed the garments, and laid out the antique gold vestments for clergy (worn only at Christmas and Easter).
Karrie Hendrickson and Sonja Rinehardt guided the many volunteers who made the children’s Christmas pageant possible. Kate Gardner shared her professional photography skills and recorded the many adorable moments in the pageant.
The volunteer choir members practiced and practiced…and practiced some more.
Volunteers helped decorate the church so it looked even more beautiful on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Ushers greeted parishioners and visitors to five services and offered a warm welcome to all.
Acolytes, lectors, and all those who serve at the altar enhanced the liturgies.
The sign-language interpreters made it possible for more members of the community to participate, as did Bill and Katie Starr who manage Saint Philip’s live-stream videos.
A spirited thank you to everyone!