All Souls’ Day

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” —Matthew 25:34

Each year on All Souls’ Day, the Church commemorates the faithful departed. We remember them before God, offer prayers for them, and bid Christ to grant them eternal rest in the company of the saints in light.

Saint Philip’s will observe its annual All Souls’ requiem mass at 7:00pm on Saturday, November 2, with music by Zbigniew Preisner. This service is commended especially to those whose loved ones died since November last year. 

You are invited to submit by Tuesday, October 29, the names of all those for whom you wish the church to pray.

The requiem will begin with a reading of the parish necrology and the solemn tolling of the tower bells. Everyone gathered will have an opportunity to come forward, light candles for their loved ones, and place them on the altar. The service will conclude with a candlelit procession to the garden columbarium for prayers at the ofrenda. All are invited.

For more information, please contact Fr Matthew at

Requiem for my Friend, Zbigniew Preisner

At this sombre and atmospheric service, the lay clerks will sing Zbigniew Preisner’s moving Requiem for my Friend for soloists, organ, strings, and percussion. This work includes stunning high soprano solos, especially in the Lacrimosa movemet, which was memorably incorporated into the creation scene in Terrence Mallick’s film, Tree of Life.