TIHAN's Poz Cafe
Saint Philip's is a long-time faith community partner of the Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN), a local non-profit that brings together religious, secular, corporate, and non-profit organizations to create an inclusive support network for people living with HIV.
One of TIHAN’s ministries is a monthly lunch for people in the wider community who live with HIV/AIDS. This event is known as Poz Café and on Thursday, October 19, Saint Philip’s will co-sponsor the monthly lunch with Tucson’s Congregation M’kor Hayim of the Union for Reform Jusaism, St Mark’s Presbyterian Church, and the Amity Foundation.
Poz Café offers good food, games, a raffle, and distribution of care packages. Saint Philip’s has been asked to contribute the following items for the care packages:
100 small square boxes of kleenex
80 packages of dental floss (or dental picks)
30 small size liquid hand soaps
30 small containers of sunscreen
30 deodorants
Additional items requested for the bingo and raffle prizes include grocery store gift cards of $25.00 or more, bags of cat and dog food, and household cleaning items such as laundry detergent.
All donations can be brought to church on Sunday, October 8, and Sunday, October 15. Please leave them on a designated table in the Murphey Gallery. You can also drop off your contributions during Saint Philip’s food pantry hours: 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Thank you!