Canine virus
Saint Philip’s animal ministry—Saint Hildegard’s Guild—provides multiple services. One of them is to share helpful information to pet owners.
If you don’t own a dog yourself, then please share this information with any friends who do.
There is a serious virus spreading across the country that is called Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC).
Symptoms include chronic mild to moderate bracheobronchitis, chronic pneumonia to acute pneumonia that progresses rapidly with poor outcomes. Cases are more common in animals housed in shelters or boarding and training facilities. To decrease the liklihood of exposure, owners are encouraged to avoid exposing their dogs to day care settings, as well as communal water and food bowls.
Recommended vaccinations include Bordetella bronchiseptica, Adenovirus Type 2 (the A2 in DA2PPV), Parainfluenza (the first P in DA2PPV) and Canine Influenza (H3N8 and H3N2).