Leave a legacy
At Saint Philip’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 19, Fr Robert and Treasurer, Herb Burton, explained that contributions are made annually to the Ministry Endowment Funds Trust (MEFT) and the Preservation and Endowment Foundation (P&E). These contributions are critical for augmenting stewardship gifts. Both MEFT and P&E attribute most of their growth to planned gifts from generous parishioners; this program is called Legacies of Faith.
Gifts that are part of Legacies of Faith name Saint Philip’s as a beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy. The donations can be designated for a particular facet of parish life or unrestricted. One type of restricted gift, a gift to endowment, is managed by MEFT and P&E. These gifts are invested and the earnings from the investments support the church in perpetuity.
There are a number of individuals and couples who have shared their planned giving intentions with Saint Philip’s. The parish gratefully acknowledges the following parishioners who have made plans for Legacies of Faith.
Quentin Anderson and Pam Henderson
Nancy Atherton
John and Paulette Bremond
Bob and Beth Brouillette
Bill Carroll
John and Dottie Driskill
Warren Edminster
Arnold and Barbara Kraus
Tom and Marilyn Lindell
Dick and Jane Ulmer
Bob and Ann Volz
Bonnie Winn
If you would like to discuss how to join Legacies of Faith, please contact parishioner Nancy Atherton at ncatherton@gmail.com for information about MEFT or Jane Prescott-Smith janeprescottsmith@gmail.com about P&E. Thank you!