Small group discussions
Beginning on Sunday, March 12, a series of small group discussions will be held on Sundays at 10:30am in La Paz. The groups will be facilitated by various clergy affiliated with Saint Philip’s.
The different conversation topics are listed below. Each session is scheduled to last 30 minutes so that people may attend the 11:15am worship service. However, facilitators will remain in La Paz beyond 11:00am so that the discussion can continue for those who wish to explore the topic further.
The group discussions will be in-person only as there is a weekly Zoom Bible Study offered at 10:00am on Tuesdays.
The Bell & Tower will provide a link to a short video which attendees will be invited to watch prior to the Sunday discussion. The videos will introduce the concept that will be discussed on Sunday morning.
These gatherings are intended to be discussions—not debates. The focus will not be to master any particular text but, rather, to engage it and consider how God speaks to us through the Bible narrative.