Caregiver support group
If you are caring for a loved one and feel lonely, isolated, or overwhelmed, then consider meeting in a safe space with others who share your experience.
The group will meet from 1:30pm-3:00pm in the Parish Nurse’s office for 10 weeks beginning on Wednesday, April 19. Space is limited so register with parishioner Peg Smith at or 520-639-4837.
Peg’s interest in supporting caregivers stems from her personal experience. Her husband had muscular dystrophy and Peg was his sole caregiver during the last four years of his life. She was also a caregiver to her brother and sister for a time.
Several years after her husband’s death, Peg worked for an in-home adult caregiving company where she tended to several elderly and/or physically challenged adults.
Peg says she volunteered to participate in the support group for several reasons. “I believe God is guiding me to this new ministry. I can relate to what caregivers are going through. I’m a good listener and it brings me great joy to be of service. Helping in this way is an opportunity to give back for the generosity I’ve received.”