Expanding community
Saint Philip’s is becoming a destination for youngsters and their families. It really does take a village—and Saint Philip’s is blessed to have young women who are leaders and engaged in cultivating relationships. Thank you Chelsea Shepherd and Tess Ajax!
A spirited thank you to Chelsea Shepherd, professional music educator, who led Movement and Music for Infants and Toddlers yesterday. Her classes help parents gain confidence in their important roles during children’s early years, and she teaches the young ones while charming them. Saint Philip’s looks forward to continuing this relationship and offering another class this summer.
An enthusiastic thank you to Tess Ajax who teaches Move Like a Mother on Saint Philip’s campus twice a week. (See related story.) She cultivates community with young families around the city and brought many of them to the Music and Movement class yesterday. Saint Philip’s is grateful to be part of Tess’ relationship circle.
For those with infants and toddlers at home or in their lives, note the space in church to the left of the altar. Children can move around and be part of the service but not confined to a pew.
This year Saint Philip’s will offer an Easter Egg hunt for crawlers-only. Meet at 10:15am in the labyrinth plaza—just south of the church.