Clergy renewal
By John Bremond, Senior Warden, and Bonnie Winn, Junior Warden
What is a clergy sabbatical leave? It’s time spent away from responsibilities of the congregation to renew onself spiritually, relationally, physically, and vocationally to improve the effectiveness of the clergy person’s ministry. A normal sabbatical leave is typically three months.
Under their employment agreements, clergy at Saint Philip’s earn three months paid sabbatical leave after they complete five years of service. In this article we want to explain what sabbaticals are and what impacts they have on Saint Philip’s parish life.
Sabbatical leave benefits the congregation as much as the clergy person, so the decision of when the sabbatical takes place must be made in consultation and mutual agreement with the Vestry, Bishop, and clergy person.
A sabbatical leave differs from earned vacation in that the latter does not require the Bishop’s approval, it may be taken in smaller intervals, and is generally not used for spiritual or vocational renewal.
Any concerns regarding sabbatical leave generally center on three questions:
1. Will it be necessary to have interim clergy to bridge the gaps created by the sabbatical?
2. How will the clergy person’s absence affect the life of the parish regarding worship, pastoral care, mission support, etc.?
3. What are the financial consequences to the church?
Saint Philip’s is blessed to have numerous affiliated clergy and deacons to pitch in where needed. Consequently, there will not be any need for interim clergy.
The summer is typically a time when there is a lull in activity and demands on staff are reduced. Hence, summer months are an ideal time to take sabbatical leave.
Given both factors above, there is usually little or no additional expense incurred by the parish when clergy take sabbatical leave.
You will hear more about a scheduled sabbatical leave in the coming weeks. We will do our best to keep you informed as plans are made.
If you have any questions, please be in touch with one of us.
John Bremond’s email is Bonnie Winn’s email is