A new home
Danny has been a part of Saint Philip’s for years. He played the piano (self-taught) at First Sunday breakfasts, and parishioners helped him sign up for benefits and medical help.
This past year has been challenging for Danny health-wise, but he’s doing better now and recently moved into an apartment.
Ayden Carrell has been helping Danny and invites parishioners to donate any of the following to help Danny settle in to his new home:
*Dish soap
*Bath towels
*Bathroom trash can
*Kitchen garbage can (13 gallon)
*Kitchen trash bags
*Kitchen towels
*Microwaveable bowls with lids
*Paper towels
*Plunger & toilet brush
*Toilet paper
If you have questions, please contact Ayden at 520-975-5531.
Donations can be left in the East Murphey Gallery. Thank you!