Acolytes are children, youth, and adults who serve God in the church and share in all the ceremonial aspects of Holy Communion on Sundays and Holy Days.
Training opportunities are held at different times throughout the year. The next one will be at 10:00am-11:45 on Saturday, September 16. The deadline to register is Sunday, September 10.
Since every liturgy of the church is the work of the community–not just the priests–acolytes serve in essential ways at every worship service. They prepare for and assist in the rituals of worship as cross-bearers (crucifers), torch-bearers (lucifers), incense-bearers (thurifers), chalice-bearers (Eucharistic Ministers), and subdeacons (overseers and keepers of the holy vessels at the altar).
Acolytes support each other to follow a simple rule of life: to seek the grace of God through regular attendance at worship, careful service to God at the altar, prayer for fellow members and the ministry of Saint Philip’s, and faithful service to the community.
For more information, contact Fr Peter Helman at