There’s still time
Saint Philip’s fall choir season will begin the week of September 11, and there is still time for children and adults to join one of the choirs. The Director of Music, Justin Appel (, directs both choirs with the assistance of the Associate Music Director & Organist, Jeffrey Campbell ( Be in touch with either gentleman for more information.
Saint Nicholas Choir
This choir is normally comprised of boys and girls age 8 through high school or until voice change. They practice weekly and sing at Sunday morning worship services twice a month. They also lead Choral Evensong which takes place on the third Sunday of every month (October–May).
Saint Philip’s is the only Episcopal Treble Choir in Arizona to travel regularly to the UK and sing at historic cathedrals.
Weekly rehearsals for the 2023-2024 program year are at 4:30pm on Wednesdays, and will begin on September 13.
The children study from the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Voice for Life curriculum. Certain outstanding members are sponsored to attend the annual summer RSCM courses. There are also opportunities to study with a view to earning Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, examinations for which are normally held at these summer courses. Additional study and preparation is needed for these awards.
Saint Philip’s main adult choir
The main adult choir averages about 45 people and is open to all adults with basic choral and vocal skills who have a strong commitment to regular attendance and a willingness to practice outside regular rehearsal times.
Weekly rehearsals for the 2023-2024 program year are 7:00pm on Thursday evenings, and will begin on September 14. The occasional Saturday dress rehearsal prior to First Sundays runs from 9:30am-12:00pm.